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Certified fitness & nutrition coach

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I remember the day that I was running late for Uni, in which I was to catch a bus to. As I approached to bus stop my bus drove straight by the stop. My lack of health and fitness didn’t allow me to chase the bus down – this was a big wake up call for me. After this point I knew that it was time to get into some sort of healthy state and I bought myself a gym membership. I quickly fell in love with training and lost 10kgs in the first few months and adapted a healthy lifestyle while working as a security guard. This etched the thought in my mind of becoming a Personal Trainer. The thought of sharing my experience with others and helping people achieve their health and fitness goals was something I was interested in.

So 12 years ago I completed my Certificate 3 and 4 through the Australian Institute of Fitness and shortly after began working as a Personal Trainer at New Life Fitness Centre. After a month working there I knew that this was exactly what I wanted to be doing full time. I then quit my job as a security guard and put all my energy into becoming the best Personal Trainer I could.

Over the past 12 years I have continued my studies to enhance my knowledge and experience in the industry. This has assisted me in helping my clients achieve their health and fitness goals. I have transformed over 1000 people in this time and worked with over 3000 clients. I help people to seek their own motivation and inspiration from within themselves. When a client approaches me to help them on their journey I always ensure that the Health part is priority in health and fitness. If you are ready to improve your health and achieve your fitness goals please Contact me. I would love to help you achieve your health and fitness goals and take your fitness to the next level .

I specialise in strength and conditioning and I believe that weight training an believe thus us a very important aspect of achieving fat loss. I don’t believe in weight loss, I believe in fat loss and changes in the mirror, the number on the scale will change eventually.

I am a very passionate trainer and practice what I preach, fitness is a huge part of my life and I like to share that passion with others. 

If you want to transform – contact me!

Choose Your Plan

With team Rishi
All plans include:
male / female 8 WEEK foundation program

This program is for those who need direction in their fitness journey.

$199 once of payment

12 week Muscle Building / Shred

If your goal is to build muscle, boost strength and ramp up athleticism then this 12week plan is for you.

20 week muscle building / Shred

It’s not just for losing body fat or building muscle. This program teaches you everything you need to…

Why Team RISHI

Periodised Training
Training & nutrition plans
Proven Results
SNA accredited sports nutritionist
Modern fitness

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CALCULATE YOUR personalise calories and macros

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T: +61 433 993 323

Opening Hours

7:00 am — 07:00 pm


5/25 Wilson st
Royal park, 5014
South Australia

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